Semantic Versioning

Today, I read an official document about semantic versioning, which provides guidelines for naming software versions. I was aware of its existence, and I know roughly about it. Upon finding an official document, I read it for the first time. It contained a wealth of information. The first key point was RFC2119, which defines the level and terms used to describe specification requirements. Although these terms are commonly used, this was my first time examining them in depth. Understanding the nuances of these terms aids in comprehending various documents. The second key point, Q&A section, directly addresses common concerns.

Airpods Pro Issue

I took my AirPods to an Apple store.

I bought my AirPods Pro three years ago, and I've been experiencing occasional noise issues. Initially, I didn't attempt to address the problem, assuming there was nothing I could do about it. By chance, I came across some information about this issue on the internet and discovered that it was a common problem with the first-generation AirPods Pro. Apple offered free replacements for AirPods affected by this problem. I was relieved to find out about this and looked forward to resolving the noise issue.

I made a reservation at the Genius Bar, an Apple program designed to address various issues with Apple products. During my appointment, I explained my problem to the Genius Bar staff and presented my AirPods. They checked the serial number and delivered disappointing news. Apple had provided free repairs for AirPods with this issue within three years from the purchase date, and unfortunately, my AirPods had passed the three-year mark by three weeks. This meant that I would have to pay for the repair, which turned out to be so costly that it would be more practical to purchase a new AirPod with the latest version. Faced with the high cost, I decided not to proceed with the repair and felt regretful for not addressing the problem sooner.


I was thinking about what I should buy for "ふるさと納税" this year. I have not thought about this well for years. It was not such a problem since the budget was small, and I did not pay much attention to what I should buy.

Fortunately, my salary rose this year. I had a larger budget, and I afford to choose many items. It was a good time to think about what I should buy. I looked at many pages of items, and I bookmarked them when I found good ones. It took two hours. I have not bought them yet, but I will after thinking about them again. I am satisfied and could get a good start for the new year.


  • attention to
  • afford to do
  • salary rose

Crazy, Stupid, Love

It is the best movie I watched in 2022. The main character Cal is not cool. He is a boring man, his talk is boring, and a woman talking with him looks boring.

I feel sympathy for him. I guess many people feel like me. Because all men are not cool at first, they grow to be cool since they make many mistakes. Cal is also. He is not cool, but he has a lot of experience, makes an effort to change himself, and finally becomes cool.

I also like the character Robby who is Cal's son. He loves only one woman while his father, Cal, is approaching many women. He is not a popular guy, but he looks cool.


  • make effort, 努力する
  • at first, 最初は
  • make a mistake, ミスをする
  • feel sympathy for him, 彼に同情を感じる


I enjoyed Yakatabune with my friends after work. It is a cruise in the river of Tokyo. We can enjoy dinner and drinking. It was so nice. The inside of the ship looked traditional, the floor was tatami, and all staff wore Happi, traditional Japanese clothes usually worn at a Japanese festival. We can see beautiful light-up of Odaiba, rainbow bridge, and buildings. I enjoyed the cruise and my friends also. We said that we should come again.


  • do something at a festival
  • cruising

Exercise Lessons in Gym

I started to go to the gym in July. The main objective is to do muscle training. I could take lessons in my plan, but I didn't try it. There are several reasons for that. I wanted to focus on doing muscle training. I didn't want to set a schedule, and I wanted to go to a gym when I wanted.

After three months since I started to go to the gym, I usually did muscle training, and I thought I needed more challenges. I decided to take exercise lessons. I took dance lessons. It was a lot of fun. I didn't do well, but I enjoyed having a new experience. I also enjoyed improving my dance skills. I wanted to keep taking lessons.