
Try to give more information

I recently found a tip for English conversation. When talking with some, I should say something informative. The worst one, and I shouldn't do, is to say only a word such as "yes" or "good." The next worst case is to say only one sentence.…

Bought TOEIC Books

My company supports employees to take a TOEIC test and pays the all fee. I applied for the support and it was accepted. I immediately went to a book store to buy books for TOEIC. I choose two books, vocabulary and the collection of problem…

Learn English in Various Ways

I think it is effective to learn English in various ways, and I actually do like that. I am going to take a note about the way that I actually do recently. Diary: I write what happened and what I thought every day. NHK Radio Eikaiwa: It br…

Try Apps to Learn English

I feel the speed to improve my English has been decreasing moderately, and so I searched for other methods to learn English. I found some useful tips on the following page. eikaiwa.dmm.com I would like to try two apps. POLYGLOTS: for readi…

How to Improve Pronunciations

I watched a nice youtube video today. In the video, a (beautiful) woman teaches how we can improve our pronunciations. Although she is a Japanese, her pronunciations are very good as a native speaker. 発音上達法!目からウロコ?の英語勉強法…

Skype Lessons

I have been busy long time, so I couldn’t have time to take English conversation lessons. Recently, I finished major tasks, so I have time for lessons now. I paid and did registration for DMM Eikaiwa, which is popular online English lesson…

English Lesson on Skype

I took an English lesson on Skype which was the second time and also the last time for me to be able to take lessons for free. After the lesson, I felt sad because I couldn't talk with the teacher of the lesson well. I couldn't say proper …