Javascript Debugger 2

As mentioned in the previous post, I started learning javascript which is a popular programming language. Today, I had a problem that I couldn’t use a debugger tool. I didn’t know why it didn’t work nevertheless it worked before. I wanted to run a program on a browser and trace the program on an editor, but I couldn’t. I could do two things successfully. The first one run a program on a browser and traced the compiled program on an editor, where compiled program was program generated by a compiler and which looks dirty than the original program. The second one runs a program on a browser and traced the (original) program on a browser. In this case, I could do most things that I could do on an editor, but the debugger display is smaller and its productivity worse than a debugger on an editor. I liked neither, but I couldn't find the solution.

Finally, I decided to select the second one, that is, I decided to use a debugger on a browser. It looked the most simple solution for me. I got tired to study tools for javascript.