The Little Mermaid who looks black

I read the following news article. Newsela - Black actress cast as "The Little Mermaid" has fans and critics

The Little Mermaid is one of the Disney movies. The main character ariel is a mermaid, and her skin is white.

The article tells that Disney will create a new movie of Little Mermaid though it is not an animation. The remarkable point is that the black actress Bailey will play the main character Ariel. The article says that most people are happy about the announcement, but also says that it is concerned that some racist may feel bad about this.

After reading the article, I thought the announcement is very interesting, and I would like to say great to someone who did this decision. I think it is no need to match skins of the original characters and real actors. The original story is important, and similarities of characters also. But I also think that the difference is also very important. Because one that is very similar to the original one is just original. I think it is very important to add new value to the new one.

Anyway, I am looking forward to the new movie, and I would like to see Ariel played by Bailey.