Double Booking

I have been using a dating app recently. When meeting a woman for the first time, I usually go to a cafe, restaurant, or bar. I prefer to go to a restaurant or bar and drink alcohol since I like alcohol and alcohol makes talk fun.

Today, I had two plans for two women. The first one is to drink alcohol at lunchtime with a woman. The second one is to drink alcohol in the evening with another woman. I expected it was hard, and the expectation was true. I expected the drinking at lunchtime took time from 12 noon to 2 pm. But the talking was so fun, and it took time from 12 noon to 4 pm. It was so longer than expected. After that, I moved to a bar. I took a break for 30 minutes, but it was short. I drink water a lot since I had to drink alcohol again.

It was a hard day, but it was also fun. I enjoyed both datings.