How to Pointing Out Child's Wrong Thinking

I watched a good YouTube video. In this video, a high school girl asked an advisement to GACKT who is a famous musician in Japan. She complained about her father and explained some episodes about her and her father. For example, her father told her that if she didn't hear her father's opinion, her father wouldn't let her enter a college.

I thought she was so childish and her father did not say any wrong things.

I was interested GACKT's opinion and how he said to her about this. His comment was very impressive for me. He said her father did not say any wrong things, that is, he did not agree with her opinion. However, he did not blame her. He kindly taught why her father was not wrong, and how she should do.

If I had been him, I said blame her and why she was wrong. If I had done so, she may agree with me. I thought GACKT's behavior was perfect.

GACKT 父親と仲が悪い娘に「親のお金で大学に行くのは当たり前じゃない!」